September has always heralded the start of things: the new season, the school year, harvest. Despite the mixed feelings, this month feels more like the beginning of a new year, more so than January.
First of all, as I'm sharing a Birthday month with you (and day, as I've discovered on IG which I hope doesn't sound too weird :D ) and love of autumn I completely relate to that. Besides, being Jewish (not religious, but still), we usually celebrate the beginning of the New Jewish Year around September or October, so it always made more sense to me that September was more of a new year for me than January. This month though I didn't write my yearly goals etc. yet,
Not weird at all haha :) I didn't realise that about the New Jewish Year being around this time! I was thinking when I was writing this about the various new years that are celebrated throughout the year, but didn't leave myself enough time to read about it all. I was just really happy that I came across that article because January is so very depressing and I always feel in the most terrible mood and mentally just not good, plus as a freelancer work is so dry those months that looking to the new year feels awful haha. I haven't written down any yearly goals, never really done that before where I've written them all down and wasn't sure if I was going to but I think it might be nice to try! Do you just spend a day writing a list? Not sure where to get started!
First of all, as I'm sharing a Birthday month with you (and day, as I've discovered on IG which I hope doesn't sound too weird :D ) and love of autumn I completely relate to that. Besides, being Jewish (not religious, but still), we usually celebrate the beginning of the New Jewish Year around September or October, so it always made more sense to me that September was more of a new year for me than January. This month though I didn't write my yearly goals etc. yet,
Not weird at all haha :) I didn't realise that about the New Jewish Year being around this time! I was thinking when I was writing this about the various new years that are celebrated throughout the year, but didn't leave myself enough time to read about it all. I was just really happy that I came across that article because January is so very depressing and I always feel in the most terrible mood and mentally just not good, plus as a freelancer work is so dry those months that looking to the new year feels awful haha. I haven't written down any yearly goals, never really done that before where I've written them all down and wasn't sure if I was going to but I think it might be nice to try! Do you just spend a day writing a list? Not sure where to get started!