Hi Ameena, thanks for sharing. I left London in 2016 for the countryside but I was working in a full time Communications role. Now I am trying to develop a side hustle as a writer while in full time work to eventually have a portfolio career and I have been starting to wonder whether being where I am now will limit my opportunities. I do think, and I hope that our world will change in terms of remote working and flexibility. I intend to move closer to Bristol as I know it’s got a real start up / entrepreneurial hub and I do crave a bit of city stimulation just not on the scale of London anymore. Fingers crossed!

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Wow, Ameena this article really had a ‘hit a nail on the head’ moment for me. I resonated and hung on to every word. Let me break it down...I’m not a freelance photographer. I have quite early on learned and accepted (albeit to mounting pressure from my peers even to this day) that the work i make, i need the kind of head space and a steady income from elsewhere (so i don’t have to take on the pressure of worrying about surviving financially) to allow me the time to create work that I am truly happy with. For my work, I choose to travel to places that cost a lot of money and that kind of money, for me, is made possible by having a 'regular' job or a side-hustle (as Tanya Houghton in convo with WorkShowGrow put it) if you will. And for this purpose, I have realised I do not need to be living in London to achieve that (I don't live in LDN btw) - in fact the complete opposite. I, to this day, constantly get questioned from the same people I have answered the same question to several times before, 'don't you want to move to london for photo opportunities?', 'surely there are better opportunities in london for you?'

The more I hear these questions, the more it is made clear to me that I DO NOT want to move to London to pursue 'better opportunities' because I shouldn't HAVE to move to London to pursue them. They should be widely accessible and far-reaching to every single corner of this country (world tbh). Because, this is what I think, when I am creating art, AM I moving to London every time to do that? It is a privilege to be able to create art in the first place, and even more a privilege that I can create that art from ANYWHERE in the world BECAUSE this world is so big and full of opportunities waiting to be explored. Then, WHY should I constraint myself to one tiny dot of a place on a map?

I'm not sure if I made any points here (LOL). I simply wanted to express my experiences and thoughts in relation to your article. Thank you for sharing them with the world with so much honesty <3

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