Moving on; it’s something we must all do. It might be for the first time, at multiple times in our lives, sometimes willingly, sometimes it’s thrust upon us when we don’t want it. We move on from ideas that don’t materialise, ideas that we lose motivation for, businesses that don’t work out, businesses that do but go in an unexpected direction, or perhaps it’s something as simple as coming to the end of a process.
Though it sometimes doesn’t feel that way, moving on is an evolution and not an end. It’s a crucial step in any artistic process, freelance business, and in our personal lives to be sure – and a “step” is all it is. It’s us going from A to B to C which sometimes means leaving things behind.
All this to say, this will be my last note on freelancing.
It’s come to a point where it feels like my natural next step is, well, to move on. It’s not that I feel like I’ve said all I wanted to say – I definitely haven’t, and have so many draft posts still sitting in my ‘Notes on Freelancing’ folder – but after a long break I took in September, I realised that my focus has changed substantially and that this newsletter has taken me as far as I needed it to.
Setting up this newsletter was an unplanned catalyst for so much, including my new work as a freelance writer. It’s taken me on such an unexpected journey, and now I’m stepping off and into something new.
My plan is to continue writing a newsletter but in a slightly different form. I don’t want to reveal what it is just yet, but what I want to write about next is something that I’ve spoken about often – here’s a little hint, it’s something I’ve spoken about on here too.
You’ll all get an email from me soon with more information about the next project.
Before I go, I want to say a HUGE thank you to every one of you – thanks for coming along for the #NotesOnFreelancing ride! I absolutely loved and thrived in all the support you’ve given me by reading, sharing, commenting, buying me a coffee, or becoming a subscriber.
I’m looking forward to this next evolution, and I hope you’ll stick around.
Can’t wait to share the new project with you.
See you on the other side,
Ameena x
A little about me
I’m a freelance writer and photographer who enjoys telling stories about adventure, the outdoors, and our relationship with the natural world.
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Thanks for brining us along with you, taking our hand and guiding us through this freelance life via your own experience. I felt the same with my own newsletter as I took on a big project and have put it on hiatus also. Looking forward to 'walking with you' for the new project!